Vortex flow meter-counter IRVIS VRSG-1 and others.
Scope of application
Vortex flowmeter-gas meter VRSG-1 is designed to measure the volume (commercial accounting) of non-aggressive combustible and inert gases reduced to standard conditions (760mm.Hg. and 20 ° C) according to GOST 2939 "Gases. Conditions for determining the volume".
The flow meter also allows you to control the current volumetric gas flow rate, adjusted to standard conditions, temperature, working gas pressure in the pipeline and the total operating time of the device.
The reduction of the gas volume to standard conditions in the VRSG-1 flow meter is carried out automatically by simultaneous measurement of the gas flow parameters by three independent sensors: flow, pressure and temperature, followed by calculation.
The main advantages
- High measurement accuracy in a wide range of expenses
- The complete set of the device in the form of a completed, certified unit of commercial accounting of natural gas
- high reliability
- Simplicity and convenience in operation
- Autocorrection by pressure and temperature
- The absence of moving parts subject to wear and the ease of presentation of information make it possible to ensure minimal costs for commissioning and maintenance.
Principle of operation
The principle of operation of the VRSG-1 flow meter is based on measuring the frequency of formation of vortices that occur in the gas flow when flowing around a stationary body.
When a stationary body is introduced into the pipeline perpendicular to the flow, alternately, then on one side, then on the other side, vortices are disrupted, which form a double chain of gradually dissipating vortices behind the flow body, creating a so-called "Pocket path". The frequency of vortex formation is proportional to the volumetric flow rate of the working gas.
The frequency of vortex disruption is fixed by a sensitive element of the thermoanemometer, which is a tungsten filament located in the flow channel of the flow body.
To bring the measured gas flow rate to normal conditions, signals from the pressure and temperature sensors of the working gas are used.
The verification interval is 2 years
The method of verification is spill-free, imitation
State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation No. 15871-00
Permission of Gosgortehnadzor of the Russian Federation No. RRS 04-3054
Measurement procedure MI 2580-2000
The use of a frequency vortex signal, microprocessor signal processing and individual calibration of flow meters on an exemplary flow meter installation ensure high accuracy and noise immunity in the most difficult application conditions. High accuracy is maintained throughout the entire range of flow measurements, and the frequency vortex signal ensures long-term stability of readings and the absence of zero drift. In order to reduce additional errors arising during operation associated with the difference between the actual composition of the gas from the calculated one, VRSG-1 is graded to a specific composition of the working gas, which is specified when ordering.
- Primary converter
The body of the flow is a cylinder of a special shape. A through-flow channel is made perpendicular to the incoming gas flow in the body of the flow. A sensitive element of the vortex sensor is installed in the overflow channel, which records the frequency of disruption of vortices from the flow body.
The pressure sensor and the temperature sensor are installed in the same plane with the flow body, but downstream. The temperature sensor is a copper thermal resistance. The pressure sensor is an absolute pressure sensor with a normalized current output.
- Signal processing and display unit
The signals from the PP are sent to the computer board, the computer determines the current volumetric flow rate by three measured signals, accumulates the cumulative value of the past volume of gas brought to normal conditions (760 mmHg and 20 ° C) in non-volatile memory, and controls the operation of the display. The display is used to display the value of the meter of the elapsed volume of gas, the meter of the operating time of the device and the indication of emergency situations, (the indicator readings are a certified means of accounting for the elapsed volume of gas) as well as operational control of the parameters of the working gas, (volume flow of gas reduced to normal conditions, pressure, temperature) and indication of alarms.
The operating mode of the indicator is selected using the "Mode" button, When the power is turned off, the meter readings are stored in the device's memory for an unlimited time.
Service functions
To register the hourly and daily average values of the measured parameters, the operating time of the device, maintaining an archive of events and keeping gas records according to contractual values in the event of a malfunction of the device, the VRSG-1 is equipped with a specialized RI-3 recorder, which is built into the BOIS housing. The RI-3 has a standard output for connecting an EPSON compatible printer and a standard RS-232 and 485 interface device for transmitting archived data to a central computer. The depth of archiving is 45 days. According to the device of the standard RS-232(485) interface, the RI-3 recorder can transmit the current and archived parameters of the working gas to the central computer. For receiving and processing information from the VRSG-1 on a personal computer, the Dispatcher-2 software can be included in the delivery package.
- Ирвис ВРСГ-1. Обзор модификаций, рекомендации по ремонту.
- Ирвис ВРСГ-1 с регистратором РИ-2. Инструкция по эксплуатации.
- Ирвис ВРСГ-1 с регистратором РИ-3-300. Инструкция по эксплуатации.
- Ирвис ВРСГ-1. Памятка по эксплуатации.
- Ирвис ВРСГ-1. Методика выполнения измерений.
- Ирвис ВРСГ-1. Руководство по эксплуатации.
All IRVIS products
The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant IRVIS: vortex and ultrasonic volume flow sensors. Calibration installations and thermal anemometers. Specialized KIP cabinets.
The sale of household meters is made ONLY in BULK
The sale of household meters is made ONLY in BULK
The company IRVIS was founded in 1990 on the basis of the Department of Special Engines of the Faculty of DLA of the KSTU named after A. N. Tupolev (KAI). The main activity of the company is the development and production of gas metering devices.
IRVIS develops devices and units that carry out volume accounting (commercial accounting) of non-aggressive combustible and inert gases brought to normal conditions: gas meters, gas flow meters, flow meters, steam meters and others. -
High accuracy and a wide range of measurements. Stability of metrological characteristics. The ability to work on non-stationary flows. Insensitivity to hydraulic shocks and dirt. Easy installation and easy operation. No moving parts subject to wear. -
KIP cabinets, for completing the gas metering unit. Thermoanemometers: measurement of instantaneous local values of the velocity and temperature of non-aggressive combustible and inert gases in scientific and applied research. Gas-dynamic verification installations: performing verification of industrial meters.
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